Saturday, December 1, 2018

flying colors

As dia de los Metros (or  day of the dead) celebration take place across Latin  America  Guatemalans not  only pay fly barilletes gigantes giant kites100ft (30 m) in dimeter on November 1 , the kite e festivals  of neighboring towns Santiago honor the dead with  local competitions for the most beautiful kite and the longest flying kite. Groups of participants spend weeks preparing for the festival, as each kite is  make of cloth and paper tied a bamboo frame. The colorful designs both religious-and folklore -themed are awarded prizes. interestingly the giant kites are too big to fly normally  they stand upright as behemoth banners. some kites can be as gig as 188 ft (36m) believe it or not the festival  takes place in nearby cemetery  where the locals   also clean up the graves and decorate them with flowers.

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