Saturday, March 31, 2018


I  did  eggs   with friends  and I did  the marble  eggs .  I have fun doing with friends  on north  star.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

thomas thwaites

in september 2014 thomas thwaites a designer from london 
england  decided to take  a break  from reality and spent  three days in the swiss  alps as a goat!  thomas used prosthetic limbs to move on all fours to better immerse himself in the herd and considered creating an artificial  rumen part of a goats stomach to eat and digest grass with actual gaot  gut bacteria ! He's not stark  grazing mad but studied goat behavior locomotion  and communication to prep for the experience and visited  a behavioral psychologist and neurologist to laern  how to turn off parts of his brain in order to think  more like his four legged friends!


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

hand transplants

when he  8 years old  Zion hervey  received  in incredible gift two new hands ! he han lost his hands and feet as toddler but 
in July 2015 the chiders  hospital of philadelphia performed the first  pediatric bilateral hand transplant. Surgeons attached Zion new  hands and forearms in a complex 10- hour surgery where they connected   bone blood vessels muscles  tendons and skin Zion now look forward to swinging on monkey bar holding his litter sister with tis new hands.

ear arn

australian performance artist and professor stellar (also known as stelelios  arcadiou ) uses body modification  and technology is his ongoing project Ear on arm a surgically constructed ear on his left forearm. After he came up with  the idea in 1996, it took stellarc  ten year to find a team  of medical expert willing  to perform the surgeries necessary  to realize his vision stelarc  still hopes to an ear  lobe using his own adult stem cells an illegal procedure in the united states and install a wi-fi connects microphone that will allow anyone anywhere to listen what he hears 24 hours a day seven days a week.

ufo turtle

in July 2015 scientists  found the  first ever bioflourescescent reptile a  hawksbill sea turtle. Gliding through the  water like an alien spaceship this unique creature was spotted  by marine biologist David Gruber and his team off the coast of the solomon  islands  It reflected the blue  light aimed at its shell in a veruiety  of colors red green  and orange making it different  from bioluminecence  in which light is produced through a series of chemical reactions.

Monday, March 26, 2018

autism Awarenees

Autism Awareness walk April  21 2018  and   

Sunday, March 25, 2018

ice skater effect

fifteen  minutes including assembly time  two
 two pound 9-kg  hand weights a swivel chair. Have you  seen an ice skater spin bringing  her hands is and out to increase her motion This is what you're  doing  without  ice skates as you  bring your  hands and arms and weights closer to your body you move mass closer to the vertical axis of your rotation  you can use this information to speed up or slow  your spin .in swivel chair  your hands and start to turn  chest level and your arms to the side with your  elbow slingtly  bent  now bend your elbow more and  pull  the weights in to your chest together  continue this motion in and out with the weights to  see how affects your spin .The weights and  your arm action don't  get then start motion .  spotting  is sometime dancers team to do when they  spin to keep from  getting dizzy and  as you spin look for that spot turning you  hand quickly  to get to it.  The tighter  smaller motion with the  elbow bent  all the  way as  you bring  the weights to chest should  increase your spin . in spin you reach  a balance between  inertia no motion and  in  which motion shown  you spin faster when you pull your hand s and the weight the in because  you pull  mass toward the center of the spin its  vertical axis. what part of the motion shows you down the most how long can you keep spinning  using the weight  does the weights of weights make different  does the  weight  of the person  doing the experiment   change the  outcome. That weird adana. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

tree of nourishment

aikido martal arts spots natural  walks hikes cultural dance yoga art music singing  journal  birthing knitting designing  time alone meditation zone of paece walking my dag nourish my body positive  peer volunteer meet with friends active listening storytelling rooted in connection with with who I really am   There  are so many different ways we can nourish ourselves our minds heats and bodies it just  a matter of finding practical that bring to life and then make in plan to  commit to them in our day to day life. To find practices that fill  you up you start  by asking  Do  I re energize  by being  alone or connecting with others  Am i in  the  flow when  I create or when  i copete  Do  i take time each day to be quiet ? What am i putting into my body? how do these items make me feel? Who  an i choosing  to hang out  with. Do they fully support me What do  I want to do on regular basis to reconnect with who  i really  am? What practice will support my journey  to happiness What practice fill you up and nourish you from the inside  out? feeds you and energize you  What  practice you  put into daily or weekly life  so you feel more peaceful on the inside  make plan for yourself try it and see what notice how  do you feel.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...