Tuesday, September 29, 2020

facts about back Obama

1.  He  is the  44th president   

2.   He  is the first  African  American president 

3.   He  has  a dog Bo

4. His wife name is Michelle she is the first lady

5. He  has two daughters 

6. He  like to play basketball  

7.  tis nse- president is joe Biden 

Friday, September 25, 2020

The color photography 

1. Reflection 
2. checkered 

3.  gradient 

4.  pink 

5.  art supplies 

6.  clothing 

7. water  

8. floral 

9.  still life 

10.  object  group 

11.  rainbow  

12.  light 

13. food 

14.  jewelry / fashion 

15.  make  up costume 

 16. city  

17.  out  of focus  

18.  art 

19.  body  color 

20.  performance 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

harlem poper trotter

 In may 2015 stars of the Harlem globetrotters met pope Francis to name him the ninth Honorary  Harlem globetrotters in tears  history. The esteemed   horror recognizes an individual of extraordinary characters and  achievement who has make  an everlasting make on the world.  The  ceremony  took  place at the Vaticans where  the them presented the pop wit a framed number 90 globetrotter's  jersey with pop Francis printed  across the  back.other notable  honorees  include Whoopi Globderg (1990)nelson Mandela(1996)and pope john paul woh mated the  seventh honorary team player in 2000.from called book Ripley  believe it or not 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

good hair day

designer Kazuhiro  Watanabe from Tokyo  Japan has a spire like 3ft 8in in (1.1m) high. He has been growing it for more 15 years and it takes stylists two hours plus there can of hairspray and a larger bottle of get extend it to maximum height. He is in the Guinness Book  world records cnn news. from called book ripely  believe it or not  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

most floating debris's removed by a trash interceptor in one moth

 between  I and 30 apr 2007 Mr. Trash wheel a floating trash  interceptor  operate by  the waterfront partnership of Baltimore  (USA) removed 57.4 tonnes (63.3 us tons) of  debris from mouth  of the jones falls river in Baltimore Maryland USA. Mr. Trash  wheel  is waterwheel and solar power conveyor  that has prevented  some 847.6 tonnes (934.3 Us tons) of  floating debris (including an estimated 561,180 plastic bother) from Brechin the chesapeake  bay. from called Guinness  world records .

Monday, September 21, 2020

a time l like

 I've waited for this time so long
and now I've come toI tell
you one all that halloween's 
a day that  like well. 
for grinning jack o lanterns 
and ghost  and witches bold 
with old black cats and horrid bats 
amuse both young and old 
yes sir I'm telling  you it's fun 
when halloween is here 
but  how  I wish we didn't  here 
to wait a whole long year.
from computer.


an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...