Thursday, September 24, 2020

harlem poper trotter

 In may 2015 stars of the Harlem globetrotters met pope Francis to name him the ninth Honorary  Harlem globetrotters in tears  history. The esteemed   horror recognizes an individual of extraordinary characters and  achievement who has make  an everlasting make on the world.  The  ceremony  took  place at the Vaticans where  the them presented the pop wit a framed number 90 globetrotter's  jersey with pop Francis printed  across the  back.other notable  honorees  include Whoopi Globderg (1990)nelson Mandela(1996)and pope john paul woh mated the  seventh honorary team player in 2000.from called book Ripley  believe it or not 

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blue ribbon baking

 a 7 year old makes the best pie in Texas Allen gage blueberry pie won first pirze the battle for the blue ribbons ath the Texas state fair ...