Monday, June 15, 2020

a universe of galaxies

when astronauts first Journeyed beyond earth  orbit  in 1968 they looked back to their home planet The big picture view of our place in space changed the  astronauts lives and perhaps humanity. If you could leave the  universe and similarly  look back what would you see. remarkably scientists are mapping this massive area. They  see bubbles not literal soap bubbles of course but a structure that look like of a pan full of them like walls thin surfaces curve around empty spaces in an elegantly simple structure.zoom in to see that these surfaces are  grouped of  galaxies. Zoom if further to find one galaxy with and  ordinary star our sun  orbited by and ordinary plant  earth how extraordinary. Digital traveler take  a simulated flight through our universe thank  to the data collected by sloan digital sky surfy. Search the internet apod  fight through universe sdss sit back and  enjoy the ride.  1. gravity pulls thing together gas in stars stars in galaxies  galaxies geather too  sometimes by the thousands forming galaxies  clusters and superclusters with tremendously superheated gas. This  gas can be  as hot as 180 million degrees Fahrenheit (100 million degrees Celsius) filling  space between  them. these clusters a secret. The gravity among the galaxy among the  galaxies isn't  enough to bring them together The  source  of the extra gravity is a dark secret.  2.  The  universe holds a mysterious  source of gravity that  cannot be properly explained. This  unseen matter  the ghostly  dark   ring in this composite  Hubble  telescope photoseems to pull on galaxy clusters drawing galaxies  toward it.  But  what  is this strange stuff It not giant black holes planets stars or antimatter These wold show themselves  indirectly for now astronomers call this source of gravity dark matter. 3. long a the universe  was comprised  It  was hotter  smaller senses than  now  and completely uniform almost extremely  minor  unevenness led  to  a powerful energy  release that astronomers call the big  bang In  a blip of time the universe expanded  tremendously. The first particles  formed atoms galaxies forces and light  all developed from this todays great filaments (see facts 4) my be organized  where those first uneven patches existed .  4. what is universe like at its grandest  scale The  biggest big picture view is jaw dropping clusters and spurclusters  of galaxies  red and yellow areas in this illustration along with  dark matter  string together to form structure together  to from  structures that are million and billions of  light year  long these so called walls sheets  or filaments surround vets voids or bubbles of nearly  empty space the blue ares The universe has structure nonrandom and unexpected. 5. saying  that galaxies from clusters and superclusters is  like saying  two  soccer teams  simply meet during  a game there's  a lot  of action and energy  similarly an clusters  and  superclusters from  there's lost going  on as evidence by  the super  hit energy x rays that are detected (pink in this colorized image. from called book national  geographic kids almanac  

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