Tuesday, August 30, 2016

frist person to surf a wave while fire

on 22 2015 professional surf  jamie O brien (UAS) rode one of the world bigger waves- at Teacupo  in tahiti  french polynesia- having been set alight he was engulfed  in the barrel (hollow) of the wave later calling it the biggest adrenal rush of my life.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

most cards memorized underwater

Matteo salvo (Ita) held this breath for 2 min 51 sec while memorizing the other  of pre- shuffled playing cards on 16 Dec 2013. After leaving  the swimming pool he used a new  deck to sort  a total of 52 cards into the same order that he'd observed underwater.

the word archery

The word Archery is derived from the word arcus  a latin term that means arch which  a bow resembles.

the word archery

The word Archery is derived from the word arcus  a latin term that means arch which  a bow resembles.


Mary Queen scots was the First woman to play golf in 1567.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The sea

octopus wrestling was a popular sports on the west coast of the united states in the 1960s.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

take charge

1. Replace your incandescent light  bulbs. Use more energy efficient options which cut back on your energy use.  2. Carpool or ride the bus. When possible ask your family if you can walk bike or use public transportation such as the subway or bus.Or see if your friends and neighbors want to start  a carpool to school. 3 plant more trees a single trees will absorb one ton of carbon  dioxide (co2) over its lifetime. imagine how much cleaner the air would be if every person on earth planted a tree. 4 Adjust  your thermostat Moving your thermostat down tow degrees in wintertime and up  tow degrees in summertime  can  save a lost of energy. You can also ask your parent if your local utility company offers alternative power. 5 Avoid products with lost of packaging.Buy products that are  products that are better for the environment. look for  items that are made from recycled materials and have less or no packaging and when it comes to food support local farmers markets. 6. Use less hot water install a  low-flowing shower head and use cold water  to wash a full load of clothes. 7  In fact use less water overall Save water by taking shorter taking showers Also remember  to turn off the  faucet while you'er brushing your teeth. 8 Recycle Thank  before you throw something  in the trash. Glass paper and many plastics can be recycled And be  sure  to take e-waste  like computers and cell phones to special recycling facilely. 9   Turn off  and  unplug devices When you'er  not watching tv turn it off-and unplug it Unplugging your applying  and chargers when not  in use can keep thousands of pounds of co2 from entering the atmosphere every year . 10 spared the word Talk to your friends and  family about  going green too  tell  them what you ' ve   learned  and think of  ways to raise awareness and educate others like creating  fundraisers for green  causes .

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Toxic pacific

a vest mass  of waste- the size of turkey texas or Afghanistan  according to environment  agency  Greenpeace is  floating in the North pacific  ocean gathered in two huge groups (one to the east of japan the other to the west of  North America) the great pacific garbage patch  is made up largely of non-biodegradable debris much of it plastic. Ocean currents carry rubbish  around the pacific in clockwise direction  but the area in the centaur  of this vortex is still-a perfect  place for waste settle(see  below).Turles  mistake plastic bags for  jellyfish and  eat them while fish and seabirds eat smaller  pieces of  plastic which they can choke on or which can harm their internal  organs. Large debris can harm sea life (the photo above shows a mass of rope and fishing nets that traps wildlife such as sharks or sea lions) but most of the plastic exists in microscopic pieces that block out light. This has  disastrous repercussions for  thing plankton and alge- vital parts of the marine food chain. The plastic also releases harmful pollutant as it breaks down. Of  the estimated 100 million tonnes (110million US tons) of plastic produced each year 10 million tonnes (11million US tons end up in the see. cheating  up this huge marine wasteland is beyond the capability  of any one country  the solution may  lie in fundamental change in humanity habits by giving  up our addiction to plastic and switching to biodegradable (or reusable) materials  that decompose  safely we may help to shrink the great pacific garbage path over time.

Greatest ocean pollutant

according to the UN environment program plastic bag make up more than 50% of  all marine  litter with 46,000 pies of plastic for  every  square mile of ocean. In parts of the pacific ocean for every 1kg (2 lb 3 oz) of biomass there are  6kg (13lb 13oz) of plastic. The Blue ocean society for marine conservation  estimates that more than 1million birds and 100,000 mammals die each year from choking on or becoming entangled in plastic.  

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Angela Madsen

Former US marine and top-level  basketball player  Angela Madsen (b.10 may 1960) is a medal-winning paralympic  athlete  adaptive (disabled ) rower and winner of numerous records. Madsen's athleticism and willpower helped her to overcome here disability (paraplegia  resulting from back surgery  ) so that by 1997 , she was  participating  in the Veterans Wheelchair game and within three years had qualified for  the US national adaptive rowing team. In 2008, she won the  Mixed Double sculls with scott Brown at the Beijing pralympics (below) but the ocean was already beckoning and Madsen went on to achieve many records at sea  first females to row the indian  ocean set with helen Taylo UK as part of a team of eight rowing east to west from Geraldton western Australia to port louis maurtius on 28 apr-25 june 2009. most ocean rows by female with four rows including crossing the atlantic east to west as skipper of the 16- man catamaran  Big blue  15 jan -4 mar 2011(the largest team to row an ocean ) and more recently being part of the first team to row the mid pacific east to west. oldest woman to row around the british mainland 1 jun-23 jul 2010, aged 50 years days at the  start of her row part of the first all-fenake team to  row around the brush  mainland.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...