Saturday, August 20, 2016

Angela Madsen

Former US marine and top-level  basketball player  Angela Madsen (b.10 may 1960) is a medal-winning paralympic  athlete  adaptive (disabled ) rower and winner of numerous records. Madsen's athleticism and willpower helped her to overcome here disability (paraplegia  resulting from back surgery  ) so that by 1997 , she was  participating  in the Veterans Wheelchair game and within three years had qualified for  the US national adaptive rowing team. In 2008, she won the  Mixed Double sculls with scott Brown at the Beijing pralympics (below) but the ocean was already beckoning and Madsen went on to achieve many records at sea  first females to row the indian  ocean set with helen Taylo UK as part of a team of eight rowing east to west from Geraldton western Australia to port louis maurtius on 28 apr-25 june 2009. most ocean rows by female with four rows including crossing the atlantic east to west as skipper of the 16- man catamaran  Big blue  15 jan -4 mar 2011(the largest team to row an ocean ) and more recently being part of the first team to row the mid pacific east to west. oldest woman to row around the british mainland 1 jun-23 jul 2010, aged 50 years days at the  start of her row part of the first all-fenake team to  row around the brush  mainland.

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