Tuesday, August 29, 2017

a largest soccer ball

on 12 feb 2013 doha bank Qat  presaged  a 12.19m diameter 39-ft 11.9in soccer  ball make out of article leather in doha .  oatar it  has a circumference of 38.3m 125ft 8in and weighs  approximately 960kg 2.116 lb 70z the super size was displayed in the lulu hypermarket car park in doha.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

where do we start

compassion is like filling up cup  we can start by filling up our own cup frist by recognizg our own empathy and  then showing ousseleves kind ness  understanding acceptance and forgiveness compassion  own cup is full the laws  of gravitry take over and our cup over and our water naturally over flowers into  other cup . It s not until oue own is full when  we acceept ourselver  just the  way we are with warmth and understanding when we can extend the same compassion to other  As compassion fills and flowers from one cup another we realize that our cup never really empties when we expenerience  the jou of taking care of ourseleves  and sharing compassion with others your cup frst  practice self compassion and it will eztend to others.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

looking blue

The hope diamond isn't  the  biggest diamond it the world it the size of a walnut  but it might be the most famous. It prat of the gem collection of the smithsonian  institution in Washington d.c. tens of thousands of visitors pass it every day making it making it one of the most popular museum objects in the world The hope diamond is dark blue which makes it very rate its histroy  is also special The diamond was owned by french and english kings and comes with  a curse supposedly anyone who wears it will have bad luck. in 2011the hope diamond was placed in the new setting.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...