Friday, February 15, 2019

friendship 10 thing to know

a true friend doesn't  come and go 
they listen and  they are there for you during 
up and downs 

listen to your friends talk and listen to each other 
trust your friends and  be trusted  by your  friends 
show your friends sympathy and understanding when they need it 
support your friends if friends comes to you with a problem show care
do nice thing for your friend  without being asked
stand up  for your friends when they aren't  around  don't  gossip about  them or say mean things 
whenever  you can something nice Everyone  likes to be appreciated 
if something doesn't  feel right talk about it  they to work things out 
if you have ongoing feeling of sadness anger or fear when you hang out  with  someone it may be a of unhealthy friendship 
make sure you know what to do where to where to go and who to talk to when you have these feeling 
what else  do you think is  important to know  about friendship 

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