Thursday, April 30, 2020

butterfly smiles

butterflies flutter
butterflies  fly
they put a sparkle
in you eye .

which a butterflies
and  in a short  while
it will give you 
a butterfly smile .
from pinterest


to make a wish 
come true 
whisper it to 
a butterfly 
upon these wing 
it will be granted 
from they are the messengers 
of the great spirit 
from Pinterest 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


we shared smiles 
we wiped the tears 
and through the  years
our friendship has grown 
along with us you are truly
a wonderful part of my life 
from pinterest  

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

journaling towards self love

write down 

1.  thing you need to let go of.

2. pieces of advice  to remind yourself  of.

3.  of your greatest talents  abilities.

4.  activates that  make you feel good.

5.   positive self  loving affirmation.

6.  people  or pets you love having in your life.

7.  thing you can do to remove  stress.

8.  simple things that brining  you joy  inspiration.

9.  things  places or people you are grateful for.

10.  thing you love about yourself. 

11. things feeling experiences or people you deserve to have in your  life.
from Pinterest

Monday, April 27, 2020

manage your stress

create a plan 

make due dates and upcoming 
events on a calendar  prioritize take and complete 
them ahead of schedule.

get moving  

stress can causes you to feel fatigued 
but if you fight  through it and get 
some exercise your body and mind
will be more relaxed afterwards.

seek solitude 

venture away from the mental 
clutter of crowds and devices 
go for a quiet walk  outside or listen to your 
favorite peaceful tunes to recharge  your  batteries 

pursue your  passions 

make weekly time for you 
hobbies and activities that bring you joy
such as reading  creative endersavors or 
spending time with love ones.

put you health first 

aim to eat well get 7-9 
hours of sleep each night and limit
caffeine which can cause anxiety 
when your body feels rested and 
nourished your mind 
will too.
from pinterest 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

what is stress

There is no definition  stress that everyone agrees on what is  stressful  for  one person may be pleasurable  or  have little effect on other we all react to stress  differently . from Pinterest


Saturday, April 25, 2020


here  we are arguably
the most interring  being 
that ever walked planet 
earth  with this 
extraordinary brain 
yet we're  destroying the 
only home we have.
from poem Jane Goodall 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

our earth

the earth is ours enjoy 
fro every little  girl  and boy.
but we must always be aware 
that all its beauty we must share.
with all the children yet to come.
who want to laugh and play and run 
around the thees and in the free 
from messy trash and debris. 
with air that's clean fresh and clear 
for all to breathe from year to year 
we sweet earth that's  our abuse. from pinterest 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

disney world

run to the first two busiest 
rides right when you arrive 
and jump on those without  
a fp booking your third 
ride with a  fp while in the 
second line. fantasyland 
frontier land adventure land  
entrance tomorron land 
space mountain fp. form pinterest.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


we are all a little 
weird and life's a 
when we  find 
someone whose 
weirdness is 
compatible with 
ours we join up 
with them and fall 
in mutual weirdness 
and call it love. dr seuss
form pintersert 


when little people  are 
overwhelmed by big
emotions it's  our job
to share our  calm 
not  join their chaos.
l r knost
from pinterest

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...