Tuesday, August 14, 2018

George Washington and Abraham Lincoln

George washington and Abraham Lincoln were born in the month of February  both presidents have monuments in our nation's  capital Washington D.C. Each year we celebrate  their lives and achievements on president day the  third Monday in February.  George  washing was  the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. He was  born February 22,1732 in Virgina. The washing monument honors washing,s life. It is a tall stone obelisk. As obelisk is a four -sided stone tower Inside, 897 steps take visitors to a room near the top. What a view! Abraham  Lincoln was the 16 President  of  the United States from 1861 to 1865. He was born February  12, 1860 Kentucky. The Lincoln Memorial look like a Greek temple. It is a building with three rooms.  A statue of Abraham Lincoln sits in the center room.

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