Monday, November 12, 2018

most ships by dog and person in one mime single rope

gerinimo  a two- year old female border collie and kelpie  cross achieved 91skip  with here  owner samantha  valle (UAS) on 13 may 2012. A new york based  traveling  performer  samantha  adopted geronimo  from family in Missouri. The  dog also enjoys double dutch skipping and frisbee. spring heeled jessica can  jump on to  a horse's back and also push a shopping trolley.She performs as part of the cracks jacks with another terrier called jacob. One 1 Dec 2016, Recheal grylls (UK) and her jack Russell terrier jessica  skipped over rape 59 time in 60 sec in lewdown  Devon UK. The pair who have trained together since jessica was one- regularly perform  at animal  show. They spent 15 min day practicing  skipping in the hope of eclipsing the existing record of 58.When they beat it by a single skip jessica  was rewarded with sausages and lots of hugs.

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